Man changes name to ‘iPhone 7’, wins free iPhone 7

An electronics store in Ukraine offered to give free iPhone 7’s to the first five people that’d legally change their names to ‘iPhone 7’.

Guess what happened next?

A 20-year-old man, formerly known as Olexander Turin, took up the challenge and can now be referred to as iPhone Sim (Seven).

Turin legally changed his name for a fee of $2, avoiding the lump sum of $850 which is the price of the iPhone 7 in Ukraine.

According to, Sim’s friends and family were shocked at first but eventually supported the idea — presumably because it just makes good business sense.

His sister, Tetyana Panina, said, “it was difficult to accept that and hard to believe it’s true”.

She continued: “Each person in this world is looking for a way to express himself. Why not to do that in this way?”

Sim told AP that while he plans to keep the name for the time being, he might consider changing it back to his birth name for the sake of his children.
