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15 Things You May Not Know About Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most recognizable CEOS in the world, and what he has achieved at 32 years old is pretty staggering.
Even though more than a billion users flock to Facebook every month and he has donated billions of dollars to medical research through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, it’s important to remember that he’s still a human being with weird quirks, just like everyone else. Read on for some unexpected facts about the Facebook founder.
1. He nearly worked for Microsoft.
When he was a senior in high school he co-created an app called Synapse Media Player, an MP3 player that kept track of the user’s favorite songs and made playlists based on their choices, essentially an early Spotify or Pandora.
Microsoft sought to acquire the company and its founders, but instead of working for the Seattle tech giant, Zuckerberg and co-creator Adam D’Angelo  -- who went on to found Quora -- got a patent for the tech and went to college instead.
2. He was inventing in middle school.
When Zuckerberg was 12, he created an instant messaging program that he called ZuckNet so his dentist father could know when patients arrived.
3. He has unexpected pop culture tastes.
One of his favorite books is The Aeneid, and one of his favorite TV shows is The West Wing, which was created by Aaron Sorkin, the man who also wrote the movie based on the creation of Facebook, The Social Network.
Related: What You Can Learn From Mark Zuckerberg's Past New Year Resolutions

4. He’s known for being frugal.

Even though today he has a beautifully appointed home that is powered by an AI butler with Morgan Freeman’s voice, in an interview with The New Yorker in 2010, he said that he found all of his apartments on Craigslist.
5. His eyesight is the reason behind Facebook’s color scheme.
Facebook’s logo is blue because Zuckerberg has red-green color blindness.
6. He wasn’t always a high-level coder.
He first learned to code from a C++ for Dummies book.
7. He’s multilingual.
He’s always been interested in ancient languages such as Latin, and he can speak Mandarin.
8. He turned down many offers to sell Facebook.
Many big name companies wanted to see if he wanted to sell -- NewsCorp, MySpace, Viacom, Yahoo, NBC, Microsoft (again) and Google all put their hats in the ring -- but Zuckerberg held firm.
9. He and his wife’s first meeting was a little inauspicious.
While Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan are now parents and major philanthropists, they met for the first time in line for the bathroom at a fraternity party at Harvard.
10. He’s an admirer of Steve Jobs.
The late Apple founder’s bold leadership style apparently inspired the message he put on his first business cards: “I’m CEO, bitch.”
11. He’s on Twitter.
But he’s unsurprisingly not very active on it. He’s tweeted 19 times since 2009.
12. He can laugh at himself.
Zuckerberg is known for being somewhat awkward, but he wrote an appreciative post about Andy Samberg’s impersonation of him on Saturday Night Live.
13. He’s a fitness buff.
For 2016, Zuckerberg set a goal to run 365 miles during the course of the year. He met his goal midway through the summer.
14. He looks up to Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso.
He has Einstein’s quote, "Make things as simple as possible but no simpler,” and Picasso’s insight that, "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up,” as his favorites on Facebook.
15. His dog is a celebrity too
Beast, Zuckerberg’s Hungarian sheepdog, has his own Facebook fan page that has more than 2 million likes. His daughter’s a fan too -- he posted that Max’s first word was dog


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