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13 Habits That Destroys Manhood

Written by Funmi Akingbade

One: Basically, you may need to look into your eating and lifestyle habit. Penis does not have to change in colour, size, look and texture if your general health is in perfect state. Things go wrong with the penis especially when you eat or do things that can damage your penis ignorantly. Do you know that intake of synthetic sugar can damage your penis?  Too much intake of sugar isn’t just bad for your body alone; it shrinks the penis faster than any other chemical you can ever know of. The body uses one type of sugar called fructose, to make fat. Too much refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup causes a fatty buildup on the tiny capillaries, arteries of the penis that can lead to penis disease. Some studies show that sugar can be as damaging to the penis as alcohol does, even if you’re not overweight. It’s one more reason to limit foods with added sugars, such as soda, pastries, and the likes. Continue below...

Two: Too much consumption of some herbal supplements for general health. Even if the label says “natural,” it may not be okay for you. For instance, if the content is not in adequate dosage and the potency is extremely high for your body, it may also not be too good for your penis.

Three: Extra pounds, especially around your waist, and in your tummy filling down to the base of your penis. The extra fat can build up in or around the base of your penis and also inside the fine arteries of your penis or the capillaries. It leads to fatty blockage preventing free flow of blood in and around your penis. Over time, it can harden and scar the tissue of the penis. You are more likely to get your penis shirk, look smaller if you are overweight or obese, middle-aged, or have diabetes, or have high cholesterol or high blood pressure. You may not be able to turn things around. Diet and exercise can stop the disease.

Four: Too much vitamin A from supplements. Your body needs vitamin A, and it’s fine to get it from plants such as fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that are red, orange, and yellow. But if you take supplements that have high doses of vitamin A, that can be a problem for your penis, this is a recent discovery by researchers.

Five: Are you a lover of soft drinks or alcohol? Before you drink the next bottle, think of your penis. Because research shows that people who drink a lot of soft drinks are more likely to have fatty penis disease. Studies don’t prove that the drinks were the cause. But if you down a lot of sodas and have been trying to cut back, this could be a good reason to switch what you sip.

Six: Does your wife cook with lot of trans fats oil, I will rather you eat with no oil or go for natural ones. Trans fats are man-made fat in some packaged foods. (You’ll see them listed as “partially hydrogenated” ingredients). A diet high in trans fats makes you more likely to gain weight. That’s not good for your penis. Men who indulge in processed foods high in trans fats (cookies, cakes, chocolate, chips, and fried and processed foods, especially the ones sold while in traffic) have poorer penis and sperm quality  than those who followed a healthy diet (whole grains, vegetables, and fish).

Seven: If you’re a passionate smoker, you already know it damages your health in general. However, you might not know that it is damaging your penis and sperm as well. The tissue of your penis is a spongy like organ with tiny holes and flesh; the more you smoke the more some of the nicotinic acid enters into those tiny holes and get trapped in and get the holes blocked. This further damages the sperm production, making the sperm harder time fertilizing an egg. So, if you’re planning a family, you might want to cut back on smoking or stop entirely as it may leave permanent damage and irreversible consequences. Men who stay nicotine-free have wider, firmer erections and reach maximum sexual arousal, effectively diminishing their erectile dysfunction.

Eight: If you are not exercising enough or you are exercising too much, either ways your penis is in danger. Men who exercise more regularly, averagely and adequately  have better erectile and sexual function and functional stronger penis than men who live a sedentary lifestyle. And men who reported more frequent exercise had higher sexual function scores. Conversely, men who exercised less reported lower levels of sexual function. Men who watch more than 20 hours of TV weekly have an inactive penis cells and a 44 per cent lower sperm count than those who watched almost no TV.

Nine: If you rationed your sexual involvement, your penis will be the one to suffer for it. The more sex you have, the less likely you are to suffer erectile dysfunction, because your penis is in good condition. Your penis is not only put to good use but regular good use. Men who reported having sex less than once per week had double the incidence of erectile dysfunction. Remember if you don’t use it, you lose it.

Ten: If you don’t sleep well, your penis will slumber, men who get an insufficient amount of sleep will experience a lower level of desire the next day and a lesser ability to reproduce healthy penis and sperm cell.

Eleven:  If you are a man and you are skimping on watermelon, please repent and make watermelon your drink. Because watermelon has an ingredient called citrulline-arginine which helps relax blood vessels by boosting nitric oxide in the same manner as Viagra—effectively treating erectile dysfunction and maybe even preventing it.

Twelve: Is your dental hygiene poor? If yes, your penis will suffer. Researchers have found out that gum disease is seven times more common in men with erectile dysfunction, and you must have a dysfunction penis to have an erectile dysfunction, it goes hand in hand. Bacteria in your gum tissue can travel through your body, inducing inflammation and damaging the blood vessels in your penis

Thirteen: Last and not the least, this is a bitter truth many do not want to accept. If you have made masturbation your habitual lifestyle, your penis is gone already. Addictive masturbation destroys penis and makes regular sex an impossibility. If you don’t believe me, ask the victims. What it does basically is to desensitise your penis to the point where nothing other than pornography or masturbation can make you reach orgasm. It over-stretches the skin out around your penis, so that the skin is loose and droopy, the balls are droopy, wrinkly, and mushy (if you are a 30 year plus or below, you will have the balls of a 60-year-old-man). You will not be able to get an erection lasting more than 75 seconds. And also, your brain would have been so badly re-wired so that only pornography can arouse you. Worst of all, urologists might not be able to help.


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